Becoming Better Through Self Reflection
We listen in as Tony Robbins talks with us about becoming better through self-reflection.
Our Thoughts & Intentions Create Our Reality - Allen Klein
It's about intentions
Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix - Tasha Eurich
Self-awareness has countless proven benefits -- stronger relationships, higher performance, more effective leadership. Sounds pretty great, right?
The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery.
Visualization for Success - Barton Goldsmith Ph.D.
Visualization is a simple, clinically proven practice that involves actively imagining the desired outcome of a goal to keep you on the path to achieving it. Visualization for Success can
The Art of Work - Jeff Goins
On his thirtieth birthday, Jeff Goins quit his job and began his pursuit of becoming a full-time writer.
Grit: the power of passion and perseverance - Angela Lee Duckworth
Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school.
1000+ Little Things - Marc & Angel Chernoff
Millions of readers turn to Marc and Angel Chernoff for fresh, intimate insights for a fulfilled life.
Getting Back to Happy - Marc & Angel Chernoff
Getting Back to Happy reveals their strategies for changing thought patterns and daily habits to bounce back from tough times.
Crystals for Beginners - Karen Frazier
Find comfort, balance, and emotional healing with crystals
If You Think You’re Not Good Enough to Pursue Your Passion
“I think something people need to understand is that others disliking you is not a bad thing.
7 Morning Mindfulness Practices to Help You Have an Awesome Day
How often do you feel energized, grounded, and excited for the day when you finish your morning routine? And what is your morning routine?
Honoring Your Hidden Goals
When you look back on the past calendar quarter, consider what you actually got done, even if your actions and behaviors didn’t align well with your stated goals.
Sliding Bad Habits Into Good Ones
As a follow-up to yesterday’s post on Honoring Your Hidden Goals, consider that hidden goals are similar to hidden habits.
Are You Seeking the Approval of Your Limiting Beliefs?
You don’t have to overcome limiting beliefs in order to take action. Thinking that you need to get all your beliefs in order is really just a delay tactic, isn’t it?
Fragile Habits
Some habits are more fragile than others.
Uiteindelijk komt alles goed - Christina von Dreien
Bewust vrede scheppen We leven in een heel vreemde en uitzonderlijke ‘coronatijd’, die in het teken staat van wereldwijde crises, angst en onzekerheid, allerlei maatregelen en protesten, en van vij
Using the Laws of Attraction - D. Ivan Young
The "Laws of Attraction" are real; inasmuch, there is a Divine Component.
Synchroniciteit - Carl Gustav Jung
Het komt voor dat gebeurtenissen zo 'toevallig' zijn, een samenloop van omstandigheden zó eigenaardig is, dat men een verklaring zoekt; een oorzakelijk verband is meestal niet aantoonbaar.
A Mindful Choice
Living in harmony requires a change in consciousness.
Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails us. That’s the world we live in.
Goals of Being
Many years ago one of my goals for public speaking was to design and deliver my own three-day workshop on the Las Vegas Strip. I first achieved that goal in 2009. That was a goal of doing.
How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work
Why is the gap so great between our hopes, our intentions, even our decisions-and what we are actually able to bring about?
Thanks for the Feedback - Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen
Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen have spent the past fifteen years working with corporations, nonprofits, governments, and families to determine what helps us learn and what gets in our way.